History of Science

I specialize in the history of astronomy, geology, and physics. I’m especially interested in the interpretation of lunar craters in the early twentieth century, the use of analogy in planetary science, and the role of women in science throughout history.

Publications and Conference Proceedings:

Rosenburg, M. A., 2016. WWI and the Impact Hypothesis for Lunar Crater Formation. History of Science Society (HSS) Annual Meeting.

Rosenburg, M. A., 2015. From Ypres to the Moon: WWI Battlefields and the Impact Hypothesis for Lunar Crater Formation. International Society for First World War Studies, Landscapes of the Great War Conference.

Rosenburg, M. A., 2014. Aerial Photography, the Impact Hypothesis, and Lunar Image Rectification. Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) Annual Meeting.

Rosenburg, M. A., 2013. Grove Karl Gilbert: Planetary Geologist. GSA Annual Meeting.

Rosenburg, M. A., 2011. G. K. Gilbert, Discipline Boundaries, and the Impact Hypothesis. GSA Annual Meeting.

#histcomm and #scicomm

As a science communicator and historian of science, I try to combine my interests wherever possible because I believe that stories from the past (in all of their historical and cultural contexts) are powerful tools to engage broad audiences and convey complex topics in science. I tweet at @trueanomalies and (occasionally) write a blog on the history of science, planetary science, and science communication and outreach.

In 2014, I co-organized a video contest for the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT), in which early-career historians could present their research for a general audience in a short, engaging way.